Rebus Celebrates Charity

We’re proud to support charities of all shapes and sizes. Take a look at our team’s outstanding efforts in the charity sector.

If you work with a charity and think Rebus Training could be of assistance to you, we’d be happy to discuss fundraising opportunities. Email us today to let us know about your charity and how we can help.

2024 - Midlands Air Ambulance

We are delighted to confirm that our nominated charity of the year for 2024 is The Midlands Air Ambulance Charity! 

We look forward to supporting the Midlands Air Ambulance Charity who do so much to help save lives across our region! Over the next 12 months we will keep you up to date with how you can get involved with our fundraising efforts!


2024 - June

Our Business Development & Marketing Coordinator, Anne, took part in Cancer Rearch Uk's Race for Life at Trentham Gardens and in the process raised £155 for the charity!
All the money raised from Race for Life goes towards the charities life saving work.
Well done to Anne and her friends Kristen and Chris for their efforts!
Next stop Potters Arf Marathon 2024!

2024 - June

12 months ago, Rebus apprentice Jordan was involved in a very serious car accident, leading him to spend 3 weeks in critical care and further time hospitalised on the wards at Royal Stoke. Jordan is now raising funds for Royal Stoke Critical Care Unit and The Headway Charity who both have supported him so much with his journey to recovery. To read more about Jordan's story and to support his fundraising please follow the link below :

click here click here

2024 - May 

Our energetic Rebus staff took on a walking challenge for our nominated charity of the year 2024! The team walked laps around Westport Lake during break times to raise funds for the Midlands Air Ambulance charity and promote 'Movement for Mental Health' as part of our current focus on Mental Health Awareness. Rebus pledged to donate £1 for every lap Rebus staff complete around the lake up until the end of the May. 
Congratulations to our winner, Rebus Tutor, Chris T, who completed the most laps around the lake! Super speedy Tutor, Shaun E, came a close second completing just one lap less! Well done to everyone who took part, the Rebus staff team completed 56 laps in total, raising funds for Midlands Air Ambulance Charity in the process!

2024 -May

As electricians, we know the power of connections. Rebus have decided use our networks to support families in need in our local community!  Rebus have launched a food donation appeal to collect non perishable food items for the The Hubb Foundation. All food donated will be delivered to the Hubb on 23rd July for them to distribute to local families facing hardship over the school summer holidays. Tinned items such as beans, soups, fruits and vegetables or goods such as pasta, sauces and cereals would be very gratefully received.
Donations can be made at our training centre! Thank you!
Let's wire up a stronger community together!

2024 -April

Rebus Training are proud to launch our 2024 Sparky Spring Clean! As part of our ongoing commitment to support our nominated charity of the year 2024, Midlands Air Ambulance Charity, we have received two donation stations at our training centre.  We encourage all of our customers, learners and staff to please bring any unwanted, quality goods into our centre.Donations can include clothes, cds, dvds, electrical items, books, toys and household items. Please ensure that all items are placed in a carrier / bin bag inside the allocated donation stations. All donated items will be collected by the Midlands Air Ambulance team to sell in their charity shops. Please join us in supporting this fantastic charity dedicated to saving lives across our region!

2024 -March

We are delighted to share that our Awards Evening charity raffle raised a whopping £630 for the Midlands Air Ambulance Charity. We were joined by Jon Cottrell, Midlands Air Ambulance Senior Partnership Executive, for our awards event and he provided a very thought provoking presentation which really highlighted the amazing work the air ambulance complete, saving lives across our region. Thank you to all the organisations who generously donated a raffle prize and thank you to everyone who purchased a raffle ticket! We shall keep you up to date with our continued fund raising efforts throughout the year!

2023 - December

Rebus have been proud to support our nominated charity of the year, The Hubb Foundation throughout 2023!
As the festive season approached we launched a Christmas Selection Box appeal in the hope of gathering a mountain of chocolate box donations to be distributed to the children that The Hubb Foundation support within our local area in time for Christmas.
We were delighted to welcome Tana and (Port Vale Legend!) Adam Yates from The Hubb Foundation to Rebus training to collection the donations on 15th December. It was heart warming to hear about the fantastic work that the Hubb do to support children and families in need across Stoke on Trent. They were most appreciative of the mountain of chocolate selection boxes that Rebus Apprentices, Customers, Staff and friends had donated for them to distribute to children in our local area.
Thank you to each and every person that has donated to our selection box appeal this year!

2023 - October/ November

We invited Rebus staff and learners to join in the Movember Movement!
Movember is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November.
The aim of Movember is to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide in men.
Participants need to start Movember clean-shaven. Then start growing!
If you are unable to grow a mo, there's still ways you can participate in Movember!
You can do this by :
* Making a donation to a men's health charity.
* Encouraging men to be proactive about their health.
* Supporting and showing love for the moustache!

2023 - June

We did it! Team Rebus took part in the Potters Arf Marathon yesterday, it was a scorcher but we completed the 13.1 mile route!
We are delighted to have raised £340 in the process for The Hubb Foundation!
Massive congrats to Gary, Jon, Jo G, Billie, Tom, Chris R, Kristen and Anne for taking part!
Thank you to everyone who sponsored us and cheered us on, your support is much appreciated!

2023 - February

As part of our annual awards evening this year, we held a charity raffle with all of our fantastic prizes kindly donated by local businesses. 

Congratulations! to our prize winners.

The raffle was a great success and we raised £560 for the Hubb Foundation.
Click here to read our thank you letter.

2021 - December

Our annual Christmas Jumper week for staff and students was a great success this year.

We had a fantastic array of Christmas jumpers. Even our company Dog got involved!

Throughout the week we raised £100 for Douglas Macmillan Hospice.

2020 - September to December

Charity Weight Challenge for The Donna Louise Trust.

Rob & Caz have set themselves the challenge of loosing 20KG between them before Christmas.

What a fantastic effort from Rob & Caz, they raised £235 for The Donna Louise Trust

2019 - December

For the last working week of December, all staff and students have been wearing Christmas Jumpers and raising money for Douglas Macmillan Hospice.

Everyone was in a festive mood and we raised £59

2019 - March, April & May 

Jake has donated his winnings to The Anthony Nolan Charity. 

The Anthony Nolan Charity match people who can donate stem cells or bone marrow to people with blood cancer who need transplants.

After a two week break, we are all rested and ready for round 3!

send your help send your help

2019 - January & February 

At Rebus Training we have transformed losing those Christmas pounds in to a fundraising event!

Throughout January and February our staff are working hard to see who can lose the most weight. Weigh ins take place at end of each week with a donation of £1 from everyone taking part.

At the end of February we crowned a winner, who donated the money raised to a charity of their choice.

CONGRATULATIONS! to our winner Chris.

A total of £56 was raised from all who took part.

Chris lost a total of 10kg and has donated his winnings to Headway ( North Staffs ) A charity that supports people with head injuries and their families.
Headway Thank you Letter

Let the next round begin!

2018 - December

In December we held a Christmas Jumper week. All staff and students donated £1 to ware a Christmas Jumper in aid of Douglas Macmillan Hospice.

A jolly time was had by all and we raised £115.88 from the Christmas Jumper week and a bake sale.

Dougles Macmillian Thank you Letter

2017 - July

Rebus Training joined Signal 1’s FLIP FLOP FRIDAY during July, in aid of The Donna Louise Trust.

Staff and students took part by wearing the most sunniest clothes they could find. Even the sun shone bright for the day!

Lots of fun was had by all and we raised a total of £58