Off the Job Training must make up at least 20% of the apprentice’s normal working hours (paid hours excluding overtime) over the planned
duration of the apprenticeship.
The ESFA define off the job training as ‘learning which is undertaken outside of the normal day to day working environment and leads
towards the achievement of an apprenticeship. This can include training that is delivered at the apprentices normal place of work but must
not be delivered as part of their normal working duties'.
What counts as Off the Job Training?
All of the following could be included as Off the Job Training:
- Apprentice college attendance
- Industry / Manufacturer Training
- Mentoring
- Work Shadowing
- Online learning / training and reading of technical documents e.g. wiring regs
The apprenticeship funding rules state that off-the-job training can include the following:
- The teaching of theory (for example: lectures, role playing, simulation exercises, online learning or manufacturer training)
- Practical training: shadowing, mentoring, industry visits and participation in competitions
- Learning support and time spent writing assessments / assignments
Follow the apprenticeships guide for steps to help you determine whether an activity counts as Off the Job Training.
How much Off the Job Training is my apprentice required to do?
Off the Job Training has always been a part of the apprenticeship provision. Reforms have led to more specific rules from the
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) around what constitutes off the job training, which must be a minimum of 20%.
Rebus training will calculate your apprentices 20% off the job training hours requirement and all apprentices are required to keep a log of
the off the job hours that they have accumulated.
At your apprentices sign up meeting both you, as the employer and your apprentice will be provided with log in details to a Onefile
Eportfolio. Included in the e-portfolio is a time sheet for your apprentice to log their off the job training hours.
Your apprentice will be advised to update their off the job training record each week at college and we would also require them to log
additional hours of Off the Job Training that they complete whilst in the workplace.